Before you even decide which college to attend, youve had to spend hundreds of dollars to take standardized tests and other entrance exams. Youve paid for credential evaluations and for application fees, and youve even paid postage for sending some of those documents to each school you considered. And now that those costs are behind you and youve had time for your bank account to relax, youre starting to research all the possible scholarships for international students in the USA. But, unfortunately, tuition is only a part of the costs youll incur during your time in school.
All the other costs
Students who live on campus are required to pay room and board as well as for meal plans, and every student is charged miscellaneous fees. And if youre living off campus, you also have to pay to live and eat somewhere. These costs can add up to several thousand dollars per semester, and you havent even bought bedding yet.
Speaking of bedding, youll need to furnish the place where youll be living. If youre living on campus, basic furniture will be provided, but youll need sheets, towels, decorations, lamps, electronics, basic office supplies, cleaning supplies, and so on. If you live off campus, you may have to buy furniture and if you dont have a meal plan, youll need to purchase kitchenware on top of everything else. has an excellent, thorough breakdown of costs so you can create an accurate budget for your time as a student. You should then apply those costs to a financial planning worksheet so you can see your spending clearly. Its a daunting but super helpful way to stay on top of your finances.
But as an international student, youll also have several additional costs that American students wont have to worry about (yes, we agree that the list of costs is never ending):